Superintendent Change of Command

Posted: 5/3/2019
July 26, 2019 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Memorial Hall
101 Buchanan Rd
MD 21402

Great news came out this week. Our own RADM Sean Buck (24th Company) has been nominated to be the next Superintendent of the Naval Academy. The next step is to be confirmed by the Senate. If confirmed, he and Joanne anticipate his promotion to Vice Admiral and Change of Command on 26 July 2019. The day’s tentative schedule is:

Details to follow, but mark this on your calendar and plan to be in Annapolis on that date. What we know/expect/are planning:

-0800 – promotion ceremony
-1000-1130 – Change of Command
-1145-1400 – official reception for everyone at the CoC
-1500-???? – Class of 1983 Reception at the house of Scott Bell, right outside Gate 3. A very historic home he and
Laurie have graciously allowed to be the site. Sean and Joanne will be coming by. This will be a sign-up, catered event we’ll run just like our other Class Receptions. Price TBD. other details TBD. But plan to attend! There is a lot of room (probably 100) but not infinite, so if a lot sign up we’ll be looking at renting a tent or two to be ready for weather issues.

Sean has asked me to pass this information to the Class and extend his invitation to both events. Let’s have a great showing by the Class of 1983. I don’t know if there will be some sort of official invitation yet, and if so, via what channels. But look at those calendars and plan to be in Annapolis that day in large numbers!

With that said, formal invitations will be issued by the USNA Protocol office, and you MUST respond to those invitations. No – I don’t know when they’ll go out, but will try to let you know once I hear. You can’t get in to the Change of Command without a Ticket, issued by them. More to follow! Note, the address for the invitations is being pulled from data. Keep that up to date!!


Classmates: The USNA Protocol Office sent the electronic invitations out for Sean Buck’s Change of Command (26 July) yesterday, 06 June. Paper invites for those w/o emails on file will take longer.

If you did NOT get an electronic invitation and believe you have an email on file, please do two things:

–First, send an email to “” and tell them you desire to attend. Be sure to mention that you are Class of 83 and your name on record with the Alumni Assn.

–Second, log in to

and update that email address!Best to get your email in to them ASAP, but I’d say NLT 28 June.
